fimmtudagur, júní 01, 2006

Ég ætti að vera sofandi. Bilstöngin mín er að vera með bögg. EN:

Dark_Fox - Kami: if you changed your name to Kame, you would have a much more interesting name :)
Kami - Dark_Fox: And if you changed yours to Dark_Fax, you'd have a more communicative name. :)
* Dark_Fox is now known as Dark_Fax
Kami - It'd be... 'telecommunicative.'
* Dark_Fax makes noises and bitches because he's out of paper ant toner *
Kami - Oh god, that happened at work today.
Dark_Fax - FEED MEE!!!
SailorV - Nuuuuuuuu
* Dark_Fax displays wrong time *
* Dark_Fax rings for no reason *
* Kami is now known as VCR-clock
* Dark_Fax gets a paper jam *
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
VCR-clock - :)
* Dark_Fax breaks a bearing and bounces around on the counter *
* Dark_Fax rings again for no reason *
* VCR-clock blinks some more
* SailorV runs and hides becuz there are weirdo's in here
* Dark_Fax chases SailorV * MY PAPER!!! MY PREEESCIOUUUS!!
* VCR-clock blinks
* VCR-clock blinks
SailorV - EEEE!
* SailorV unplugs the VCR
* VCR-clock has quit IRC
* Dark_Fax is now known as Dark_Fox
Dark_Fox - ok i think ive peaked the humor of that

Ég hló svo hátt að ég vakti foreldra mína. Þeir fylltust ekki kátínu.



Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Hláturinn lengir lífið......en ekki eyða því þá í að vinna í tómatsósu verksmiðju!

mánudagur, júní 05, 2006 8:50:00 e.h.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Öhhhm, þið eruð öll á krakki, því að þetta hérna er miklu fyndnara:

punchcard: you know you're a geek when you read the headline "Bush won't order ports reopened" and think they are talking about a firewall

punchcard: "By order of the President of the United States of America, -A input -p boats -l -j reject."

föstudagur, júní 09, 2006 6:33:00 e.h.  
Blogger Andrea said...

Ég sagði aldrei að mér findist þetta fyndnast... Mér fannst Punchcard mjög fyndið, en af svoleiðis quotum er uppáhaldið mitt þetta:

Ich: I have passed the transitional stage of internet geekhood
Ich: I was cashiering at work today, and was punching in the code for plums, which is 4040.
Ich: and the 0 key doesn't work this well, so I punched it in wrong.
Ich: and the machine flashed up "Item Not Found: 404"
Ich: and I actually laughed out loud

Þú ert bara kjánalegur hommahestur.

laugardagur, júní 10, 2006 7:41:00 e.h.  

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